Northland Artists Conversation
The Northland Artists Conversation is an opportunity to learn about local artists; passions, inspirations and what they are working on. Interesting, informative & fun with a little something for everyone.
Northland Artists Conversation
Northland Artists Conversation with ST Made Records
Welcome to the world of the Northland Artists Conversation. If this is your first time, thanks for stopping by and if you have been here before we appreciate you coming back and enjoying our little slice of the internet. Join me in welcoming to the podcast, local musicians and record label ST Made Records
This was a real first for us as we have never had a record label come in and sit down with us. The guys talked openly about]how they all got together, where they are at currently and what they are hoping to achieve. Never shying away from some of the more challenging questions, it was great to have them sit down and chat with us
The guys from ST Made were awesome guests and It's great to see local talent coming together to create something amazing. We predict big things for these guys as they are artists to watch out for, as they are on the rise!
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